High LDH Levels

High LDH Levels: Understanding the Implications in Blood Test Results

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme found in many cells, playing a role in glucose breakdown. Blood tests determine LDH levels, which vary slightly by laboratory and measurement method. For adults, normal LDH ranges are typically 140–280 units/liter (U/L), although variations exist based on age and pregnancy.

Causes of High LDH Levels:

  • Muscle Damage: From sports injuries, statin side effects, or intense physical activity.
  • Liver Disease: Including hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and cirrhosis.
  • Hemolytic Anemia: Such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia and spherocytosis.
  • Pulmonary Embolism: A common circulatory disorder.
  • Less common causes include tumors, kidney disease, infections, heart diseases, pancreatitis, and autoimmune diseases.

Managing High LDH Levels:

  • Identifying the cause is crucial.
  • Follow recommended treatment protocols.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Manage stress and ensure sufficient rest.
  • Discuss medication impacts with a doctor.
  • Avoid alcohol and harmful substances.
  • Regular medical check-ups and tests are important.

Low LDH Levels: Though less common and usually less concerning, low LDH levels should also be evaluated by a doctor, especially if other symptoms are present.

Remember, high LDH is not a diagnosis but a marker of cellular damage or disease presence. Further tests and evaluations are necessary for a complete health assessment. Consult a doctor before making any changes based on LDH levels.

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